Personal website
The course syllabus can be found here.
The course has now ended. Lectures were streamed/recorded on Zoom for future reference; links appear below.
Lecture 1 PDF
Lecture 1 recording
Lecture 2 PDF
Lecture 2 recording
Lecture 3 PDF
Lecture 3 recording
Lecture 4 PDF
Lecture 4 recording
The following 2 assignments were given. The third exercise was associated with the CASA tutorial, so instructions appear in that PDF. Solutions are not going to be posted, because I am considering re-using these exercises in the future, but can be provided upon request.
‘Essential Radio Astronomy’ by Condon and Ransom
‘Synthesis Imaging in Radio Astronomy II’ (aka ‘the interferometry white book’)
‘Interferometry and Synthesis in Radio Astronomy’ free PDF of textbook
‘Tools of Radio Astronomy’ free PDF of textbook
NRAO interferometry summer school lectures: 2014, 2018