Cameron Van Eck

Personal website


Introduction to Observational Radio Astronomy Mini-course

Spring 2020, University of Toronto


The course syllabus can be found here.


The course has now ended. Lectures were streamed/recorded on Zoom for future reference; links appear below.

Lecture 1 PDF
Lecture 1 recording

Lecture 2 PDF
Lecture 2 recording

Lecture 3 PDF
Lecture 3 recording

CASA tutorial PDF

Lecture 4 PDF
Lecture 4 recording


The following 2 assignments were given. The third exercise was associated with the CASA tutorial, so instructions appear in that PDF. Solutions are not going to be posted, because I am considering re-using these exercises in the future, but can be provided upon request.

Exercise 1
Exercise 2


‘Essential Radio Astronomy’ by Condon and Ransom
‘Interferometry and Synthesis in Radio Astronomy’ free PDF of textbook
‘Tools of Radio Astronomy’ free PDF of textbook

NRAO interferometry summer school lectures: 2014, 2018

The Virtual Radio Interferometer (VRI):

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