Cameron Van Eck

Personal website


Curriculum Vitae

My full CV can be found here

Academic History:

I did my undergraduate and Masters studies at the University of Calgary: BSc First Class Honors in Physics and Astrophysics, 2010; MSc Astrophysics 2012. Both were under the supervision of Prof. Jo-Anne Brown.

I did my PhD work with Prof. Marijke Haverkorn at Radboud University Nijmegen, which lead to my thesis entitled Exploring the Threefold Invisible Universe: Low-Frequency Spectropolarimetry with LOFAR as a Probe of Galactic Magnetism. Thesis link

After that I returned to Calgary for a 4-month postdoc with Jo-Anne Brown, followed by a research associate position with Bryan Gaensler at the Dunlap Institute in Toronto.

Soon (Sep 2022) I will be moving to Australia to take up a position as research fellow in the group of Prof. Naomi McClure-Griffiths.


I keep a list of my academic publications to date on the ADS here.